Taste-of Arlington.com publishes news of food events, major food festivals; and includes a local directory of restaurants and dining for Arlington Heights, the northwest suburbs and Chicagoland. For power user tips, click here ...
"A Taste of Arlington" Taste of Arlington® is a federally registered trademark in Arlington, Virginia and the mark of an annual food sampling event in May in Arlington, Virginia. If you're in Virginia on the right date in May, check it out. See TasteofArlington.com of Arlington, Virginia. Taste-of-Arlington.com is NOT affiliated with the Arlington, Virginia event, but may include some news of the event.
Taste-of-Arlington.com is NOT affiliated with the Taste of Arlington or the Mane Event block party event in Arlington Heights (annually in August), but publishes information about the events.
Mobile or Desktop ... it's
Taste-of-Arlington.com is targeted for Arlington Heights, Illinois. However it includes information that ranges beyond the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Taste-of-Arlington.com is not affiliated with Taste of Arlington Heights, but covers food events in Arlington Heights.
Designed for Mobile or Desktop
Why type, when you can click? Taste-of-Arlington.com is designed and tested to simplify dining plans and food and beverage shopping. Taste-of-Arlington.com is a hybrid desktop/mobile website, designed especially with the mobile user in mind.
Taste-of-Arlington.com works great ... whether you're on a desktop computer or mobile device, such as an iPhone or Android OS phone. When using mobile devices such as Apple iPhones and Android OS phones, links go directly to mobile websites and mobile facebook pages from your favorite businesses. And also from your mobile devices, your fingertip press on a phone number calls your favorite food business.
Taste-of-Arlington.com is a directory of restaurants, food businesses, food topics; and a blog of food events and food news for people, especially with an interest in Arlington Heights, Illinois and Chicagoland.
Taste-of-Arlington.com has been tested since August 2011, and is now fully functional -- with some more enhancements on the way (e.g., not all establishments have their own page, yet). Please submit your suggestions on our Facebook page -- ArlingtonTasteBuddies.com ...
When checkbox is checked, the search is focused on Taste-of-Arlington.com using the format ...
pizza site:taste-of-arlington.com
Notice that all search results land within Taste-of-Arlington.com
The searches work with one, two, or more search words.
Here are two more examples ...
steak site:taste-of-arlington.com
or two-word search as follows ...
Banquet Halls site:Taste-of-Arlington.com
Simply replace "steak" for one word search, or replace "Banquet Halls" with two or more words after clicking on sample Google search links.
Taste-of-Arlington is a service of
The Cardinal -- Arlingtoncardinal.com
See mobile news from The Cardinal and
streets and roadway information on
Email: coming soon
Phone: 847-260-TAST
If you want to leave a comment privately, just leave a voice message.
If you want to leave an announcement for readers that may be chosen for publishing* ...
Start your message as follows:
"This is a Taste of Arlington report" and continue with your message -- a shout out, a review, 'this dish was awesome' or Eat at Joe's comment, etc.
"This is [YOUR NAME or YOUR BUSINESS NAME] reporting for Taste of Arlington" and continue with your business name.
* Not all messages will be chosen for publishing. Message selections are based on "good taste" and how busy the incoming news of the day allows for publication. In other words, on a slow news day there is a better chance to get the message published. On busy news day, message may be skipped over.
126 East Wing Street #220
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Looking for the desktop version
of our official facebook page?
Arlingtontastebuddies.com is the
official Taste-of-Arlington.com facebook
page (links to desktop version)
Taste-of-Arlington.com is part of a group of mobile websites from The Cardinal -- Arlingtoncardinal.com Network. See also ...
Amazon Associate Website
Taste-of-Arlington.com is an Amazon Associate website, which means that a small percentage of your purchases gets paid to Taste-of-Arlington.com at no extra cost to you.
When you use the search boxes above, any Amazon banner ad, or any product associated with an Amazon banner on this website, you help pay expenses related to maintaining Taste-of-Arlington.com and creating new services and ideas for a resourceful website.
Taste-of Arlington.com publishes news of food events, major food festivals; and includes a local directory of restaurants and dining for Arlington Heights, the northwest suburbs and Chicagoland. For power user tips, click here ...
"A Taste of Arlington" Taste of Arlington® is a federally registered trademark in Arlington, Virginia and the mark of an annual food sampling event in May in Arlington, Virginia. If you're in Virginia on the right date in May, check it out. See TasteofArlington.com of Arlington, Virginia. Taste-of-Arlington.com is NOT affiliated with the Arlington, Virginia event, but may include some news of the event.
Taste-of-Arlington.com is NOT affiliated with the Taste of Arlington or the Mane Event block party event in Arlington Heights (annually in August), but publishes information about the events.
Mobile or Desktop ... it's
Taste-of-Arlington.com is targeted for Arlington Heights, Illinois. However it includes information that ranges beyond the northwest suburbs of Chicago. Taste-of-Arlington.com is not affiliated with Taste of Arlington Heights, but covers food events in Arlington Heights.
Designed for Mobile or Desktop
Why type, when you can click? Taste-of-Arlington.com is designed and tested to simplify dining plans and food and beverage shopping. Taste-of-Arlington.com is a hybrid desktop/mobile website, designed especially with the mobile user in mind.
Taste-of-Arlington.com works great ... whether you're on a desktop computer or mobile device, such as an iPhone or Android OS phone. When using mobile devices such as Apple iPhones and Android OS phones, links go directly to mobile websites and mobile facebook pages from your favorite businesses. And also from your mobile devices, your fingertip press on a phone number calls your favorite food business.
Taste-of-Arlington.com is a directory of restaurants, food businesses, food topics; and a blog of food events and food news for people, especially with an interest in Arlington Heights, Illinois and Chicagoland.
Taste-of-Arlington.com has been tested since August 2011, and is now fully functional -- with some more enhancements on the way (e.g., not all establishments have their own page, yet). Please submit your suggestions on our Facebook page -- ArlingtonTasteBuddies.com ...
When checkbox is checked, the search is focused on Taste-of-Arlington.com using the format ...
pizza site:taste-of-arlington.com
Notice that all search results land within Taste-of-Arlington.com
The searches work with one, two, or more search words.
Here are two more examples ...
steak site:taste-of-arlington.com
or two-word search as follows ...
Banquet Halls site:Taste-of-Arlington.com
Simply replace "steak" for one word search, or replace "Banquet Halls" with two or more words after clicking on sample Google search links.
The Cardinal -- Arlingtoncardinal.com
See mobile news from The Cardinal and
streets and roadway information on
Email: coming soon
Phone: 847-260-TAST
If you want to leave a comment privately, just leave a voice message.
If you want to leave an announcement for readers that may be chosen for publishing* ...
Start your message as follows:
"This is a Taste of Arlington report" and continue with your message -- a shout out, a review, 'this dish was awesome' or Eat at Joe's comment, etc.
"This is [YOUR NAME or YOUR BUSINESS NAME] reporting for Taste of Arlington" and continue with your business name.
* Not all messages will be chosen for publishing. Message selections are based on "good taste" and how busy the incoming news of the day allows for publication. In other words, on a slow news day there is a better chance to get the message published. On busy news day, message may be skipped over.
126 East Wing Street #220
Arlington Heights, Illinois
Looking for the desktop version
of our official facebook page?
Arlingtontastebuddies.com is the
official Taste-of-Arlington.com facebook
page (links to desktop version)
Taste-of-Arlington.com is part of a group of mobile websites from The Cardinal -- Arlingtoncardinal.com Network. See also ...
Amazon Associate Website
Taste-of-Arlington.com is an Amazon Associate website, which means that a small percentage of your purchases gets paid to Taste-of-Arlington.com at no extra cost to you.
When you use the search boxes above, any Amazon banner ad, or any product associated with an Amazon banner on this website, you help pay expenses related to maintaining Taste-of-Arlington.com and creating new services and ideas for a resourceful website.